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Dr. Cynthia Edmonds-Cady

School of Social Work
Rachel Cooper - RC 303
Office Hours
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  • Research


Cynthia Edmonds-Cady is a Professor of Social Work, and affiliated faculty in the Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Program. She has an expertise in Intersectionality and community engagement, women and poverty, social movement work, ecotherapy methods, and the connection between nature and improved mental health.

Current Courses

456.001Child and Family Policy

418.001Generalist Social Work Practice II: Families And Groups

419.001Generalist Social Work Practice III: Organizations and Communities

Teaching Interests & Areas

Diverse Populations, Community Practice, Practice with Families and Groups, and Advanced Child and Family Policy. All courses include a community engagement component.

Research Interests & Areas

Nature-based ecotherapy practices (including working with the land, plants, and animals using agroecological approaches) strengthening the human/more-than-human bound for improved mental health and environmental outcomes, the community engagement of young low-income mothers, the uses of maternalism in the history of poor women’s social movements, and intersectionality in poor women’s access to reproductive rights during the Jim Crow era.

Research methods include qualitative methods such as: arts-based methods (photo-voice, poetic inquiry, autoethnography), focused ethnography, participatory qualitative mapping/spatial analysis, oral history, and archival methods.

Dr. Edmonds-Cady has presented and published papers on improved mental health and healing through nature, feminist standpoint theory, the history of the Welfare Rights Movement, race/class and women’s reproductive control in the 1940s-1950s American South, and the use of feminist research methods.

Ph D Social Work

Michigan State University
East Lansing

MSW Social Work

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor

BS Social Work

Eastern Michigan University

University Outstanding Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Book Review

Edmonds-Cady, C. (2016, December). [Review of the book Shared prosperity in America’s communities, by S.M. Wachter & L. Ding] The Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 43, (4), 165-168.

Book, Authored

Edmonds-Cady, C. (2023). Piling Rocks on the Dead. Bottlecap Press. (Chapbook)

Journal Article

Edmonds-Cady, C. (2023). Mapping Communities of Mothering: Where Race, Class, Gender, and Space Intersect. Journal of Progressive Human Services. DOI:10.1080/10428232.2023.2173473
Edmonds-Cady, C. (June 21, 2023). Finding the Solace Outside. Canary Literary Journal
Edmonds-Cady, C. (2017). A Right to Motherhood?
Race, Class, and Reproductive Services in the Jim
Crow South.The Journal of Sociology and
Social Welfare
, 44 (4), 143-166.
Edmonds-Cady, C. and Wingfield, T. (2017). Social Workers: Agents of change or agents of oppression? Social Work Education 36 (4), 430-442.
Edmonds-Cady, C. (2013). Motherhood and agency: American welfare rights activists’ resistance to state control over sexuality and reproduction. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative, 3 (2), 134-149.
Edmonds-Cady, C. (2012). A view from the bridge: Insider-outsider perspectives in an historical study of the welfare rights movement. Qualitative Social Work, 11 (2), 174- 190.
Edmonds-Cady, C.,and Sosulski, M. (2012). Applications of situated learning to foster communities of practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 48 (1), 45-64.
Edmonds-Cady, C. (2009). Getting to the grassroots: Feminist standpoints within the welfare rights movement. The Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 36 (2), 11-38.
Edmonds-Cady, C. (2009). Mobilizing motherhood: Race, class, and the uses of maternalism in the welfare rights movement. Women’s Studies Quarterly, 37 (3&4), 202-218.
Edmonds-Cady, C., and Hock, R. (2008). Children in crisis: Special education and other stressors in the lives of children removed from school by expulsion. School Social Work Journal, 32 (2), 72-86.


Edmonds-Cady, C. (2023, April). Making our way Outside: Toward an Embodied Nature Practice. Invited Talk for Earlham College. Richmond, Indiana.
Edmonds-Cady, C. (2023, May). When Human Connection Becomes Dangerous: Creating an Embodied Nature Practice for the Age of Covid. Paper presentation for the nineteenth annual International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Edmonds-Cady, C. (2019, May). Women in the Wild: Writing Evocative
Autoethnographies on Trauma, Nature, and Healing. Paper
presentation for the fifteenth annual International Congress for
Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Sosulski, M. and Edmonds-Cady, C. (2018, Oct.).
Through the Looking Glass: Teaching Macro
Practice Skills Through Immersive, Community-
Engaged Learning. Paper presentation for the
Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social
Work Education (CSWE), Orlando, FL.
Anti-Poverty Warriors: Lessons from the Welfare Rights Movement. ISU's Office of Diversity Advocacy Lunch and Learn series. Illinois State University's Office of Diversity Advocacy. (2017)
Edmonds-Cady, and Wingfield, T. (2016, March). From Behind the Walls of the Ivory Tower to the Streets: Knowledge Construction and Positionality in Social Justice Work. Paper presentation for the annual Race, Gender, & Class (RGC) conference at the University of New Orleans Department of Sociology, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Overcoming stereotyping and prejudice: Is it possible?. International Studies Seminar Series. (2015)
Socially Constructing Single-Mother Communities by Mapping the Intersection of Gender, Class, Race, and Space. Eleventh Annual International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). (2015)
Defining Community at the Intersection of Motherhood, Race, and Space: Low-Income Women’s Civic Engagement. Ninth Annual International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). (2013)
(Re) defining Civic Engagement: Understanding Community through Women’s Work and Women’s Bodies. Eighth Annual International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). (2012)
Defining Welfare, Work, and Motherhood: Women's Participation in the Welfare Rights Movement in Detroit, 1964-1972. Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives series. Michigan State University’s School of Human Resources and Labor Relations. (2011)
Motherhood Revisited: Maternalism in the Next Generation. Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. University of Massachusetts. (2011)
Using Historical Research to Examine the Shaping of Family Planning Services through the Lens of Race, Class, and Gender. Annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). (2011)
Blurring the Outsider/Insider Divide: Race, Class, and Gender in the Welfare Rights Movement. Annual National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) conference. National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA). (2010)
Mobilizing Motherhood in the Welfare Rights Movement. Motherhood Symposium. The Center for the Study of Women in Society at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center, and The Feminist Press. (2010)
Oppression and Agency: Detroit Welfare Rights Activists’ Resistance to State Control over Sexuality and Reproduction during the War on Poverty. Annual conference of the Social Science History Association (SSHA). Social Science History Association (SSHA). (2010)
Complicating Gender: Using an Intersectional Analysis to Examine Women’s Participation in the Welfare Rights Movement. Annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). (2009)
Race, Class, and the Rights to Motherhood in the Southern United States 1939-1950. Annual conference of the Social Science History Association (SSHA). Social Science History Association (SSHA). (2009)
Situating Privilege and Oppression in the Classroom: Emotional Resistance, Acceptance, and Action. Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). (2009)
Welfare Policy in Illinois for a panel on Financial Literacy. ISU College of Education’s co-sponsored Financial Literacy Awareness Week. Illinois State University College of Education. (2009)
Boundaries Maintained Boundaries Crossed: Lessons from the Welfare Rights Movement. Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Symposium. Eastern Michigan University. (2008)
Why is Cultural Competence Important? Understanding Historical and Political Groundings of Inequality in the U.S.. ISU Diversity Advocacy Office summer training and orientation program. Illinois State University. (2008)
Getting to the grassroots: Feminist standpoints within the welfare rights movement. Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). (2007)
Boundaries of sisterhood: Race, class, and gender in Michigan’s welfare rights movement. Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). (2006)
Diversity in the welfare rights movement and participants’ response to welfare policy: Past lessons for current community practice. Annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). (2006)
Engagement for social work students, empowerment for clients and communities: Who owns the knowledge, who owns the power?. Mid-West Biennial Social Work Educational Conference. (2004)
Students excluded from school through suspension and expulsion. Michigan Education Association’s Community Revitalization of Urban Education Conference. (2001)
Legal advocacy for women with mental illness. Annual Conference of the Social Welfare Action Alliance (SWAA). Social Welfare Action Alliance (SWAA). (2000)
Translating research into exemplary practice with women. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (MI-NASW). Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (MI-NASW). (1999)

Grants & Contracts

Exploring the Potential of an Embodied Nature Practice for Increased Well-Being. Illinois State University CAS URG. Illinois State University. (2024)
Re-Integration of Mixed-Power Systems in Agroecological Intensification. U.S. Department of Agriculture SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Projects). Federal. (2024)
SoTL Civic Engagement Small Grant Program. Illinois State University Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. Illinois State University. (2011)
Illinois State University, Pre-tenure Faculty Initiative Grant (PFIG). Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2010)
Illinois State University, New Faculty Initiative Grant (NFIG). Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2008)
Center for Teaching, Learning, & Technology. Illinois State University, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Workshop seed money. Illinois State University. (2007)
Active Voices of Youth (AVOY) Student Advocacy Center (SAC) of Michigan. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Private. (2001)
State of Michigan, Children’s Trust Fund Initiative. State of Michigan. State. (2000)