Book, Authored
Geiger, J., Gholson, T., & Houston, D. (2016). Foster Care Alumni and Higher Education: Recommendations to Improve Higher Education Access, Enrollment, and Success in Illinois. Chicago, IL: Jane Adams College of Social Work.
Houston, D., Gjesfjeld, C., Miller-Ott, C., Gholson, T., Schaeffer, L., & Brown, M. (2016). Higher Education as the Lifeline to Social Mobility for Former Foster Youth: A Comprehensive Needs and Assets Assessment. Normal, IL: Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies.
Book, Chapter
Avant, D., Houston, D., & Nesbitt, L. Educators as the Gatekeepers: Promoting a Race Informed, Culturally Competent Pedagogy for Human Service Professionals. T. Puckett and N. Lind (EDs), Cultural Competence in Higher Education. Emerald (2020)
Avant, D., Houston, D., & Nesbitt, L. Educators as the Gatekeepers: Promoting a Race Informed, Culturally Competent Pedagogy for Human Service Professionals. Cultural Competence in Higher Education. Emerald
Journal Article
Avant, D., Miller-Ott, A., & Houston, D. “I Needed to Aim Higher:” Former Foster Youths’ Pathways to College Success. Journal of Child and Family Studies 30.4 (2021): 1043-1058.
Avant, D., Miller-Ott, A. E. & Houston, D. (2021). “I needed to aim higher:” Former foster youths’ pathways to college success. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30(4), 1043-1058.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Houston, D. Houston, D. (2023). Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: 2022-2023 Annual Report for Illinois State University. Normal, IL: Office of the President. (2023)
Houston, D. Houston, D., & Hatch, R. (2022). Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: 2021-2022 Annual Report for Illinois State University. Normal, IL: Office of the President. (2022)
Technical Report
Houston, D. Houston, D. (2021). Pillars of Progress: Tools to Assess EDI-A Readiness and Change. Illinois State University. Normal, IL: Office of the President. (2021)
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY19 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2019)
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY18 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2018)
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY17 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY17 Quarter 3 Report. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY18 Quarter 1 Report. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies
Houston, D., & Howard, J. Center for Adoption Studies Program Review. Illinois State University Office of the Provost
Houston, D. Houston, D. (2024). Annual Report: Central Region Permanency Enhancement Project Local Action Team Initiative
Houston, D. Houston, D. (2024). Permanency and Well-Being in the Context of Community: Central Region Data Report. Normal, IL: Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies.. Illinois Permanency Enhancement Project ( includes seven county-level data reports; regional report)
Houston, D. Houston, D. (2024). Program Plan FY 2025: Central Region Permanency Enhancement Project Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies at Illinois State University
Houston, D. Houston, D., (2024). Program Review Self Study and Outcome Assessment. Normal, IL: Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies at Illinois State University.. Illinois State University, Office of the Provost
Houston, D., Montalvo , G., Bentlin, D., Lewis, R., Powers, R., , & . Illinois State University Climate Assessment Task Force Status Report and Recommended Action Items (2016-2017).
Beating the Odds: African American Foster Youth Pathways to College. American Association of Blacks in Higher Education Conference. American Association of Blacks in Higher Education. (2019)
2016-2017 Climate Assessment Task Force: Pre-Meeting Report to the Board of Trustees.. Pre-Meeting Report to the Board of Trustees.. Illinois State University. (2017)
Former Foster Youth in College: A Needs and Assets Assessment and First Star ISU Academy. Student Affairs Council Meeting. Illinois State University. (2017)
Gjesfjeld, C.D., Houston, D., Miller-Ott, A., & Gholson, T. (April 2017). Former foster youth in college: A needs and assets assessment. Roundtable session at American Educational Research Association – San Antonio, TX
Gjesfjeld, C., Houston, D., Miller-Ott, A., & Gholson, T. (2016). Former Foster Youth in College: A Needs and Assets Assessment. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education; Section: Division J - Section 2b: College Student Success and Outcomes.
Houston, D., & Thomas, E. (2017). Data Informed Decision Making: EAF 463 guest lecture.
Houston, D., (2017). Permanency and Well-Being in the Context of Community. Champaign Saving Our Families Together Today (SOFTT).
Houston, D., (2017). Permanency and Well-Being in the Context of Community: Rock Island Immersion Site. DCFS Central Region CQI Collaborative Meeting.
Improving Educational and Employment Outcomes for Youth in Care.. IDCFS 2016 Inaugural Transformation Summit.. IDCFS. (2016)
Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusive Excellence at Illinois State University- Part I.. ISU Provost's Leadership Initiative. Office of the Provost. (2016)
Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusive Excellence at Illinois State University- Part II.. Provost's Leadership Initiative. Office of the Provost. (2016)
New Faculty Orientation- Diversity Workshop. ISU New Faculty Orientation. CTLT. (2016)
OUT OF THE SHADOWS: Promoting Critical Thought And Inclusive Perspectives In The Classroom. Culturally Responsive Campus Community 2016 Conference. CRCC at Illinois State University. (2016)
On the Pathway to Diversity and Inclusive Excellence at Illinois State University. ISU Administrator's Retreat, Fall 2016. Office of the Provost. (2016)
Year 1 Executive Summary: Higher Education as the Lifeline. IDCFS Research Presentation. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. (2016)
Houston, D. & Kilgore, L. (October 15, 2016). “College Success Among Former Foster Youth: Implications for Campus Support Programs”. Brown Bag Series, Department of Sociology and Anthropology at ISU.
• Houston, D. & Shaw, A. (2016). Central Region Illinois Permanency Enhancement Project (PEP): Rock Island Immersion Site FY15 Demographic and Permanency Data Overview. Normal, IL: Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies.
Higher Education: A Lifeline to Social Mobility for Former Foster Youth. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. African American Advisory Council. (2015)
“Youth in Care Scholars at Illinois State University.”. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Director's Presentation. IDCFS. (2015)
“Overview of 2012 Child Welfare Permanency Data”. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services PEP action team professional development meeting (October 25, 2013). (2013)
Overview of 2013 Child Welfare Permanency Data”. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Quarterly Supervisor’s professional development meeting (December 10, 2013).. IDCFS Supervisor's Professional Development Meeting. IDCFS. (2013)
Permanency, Disproportionality, and Disparities: Assessing Progress and Outcomes.. IDCFS African American Advisory Council- Annual Leadership Summit. ISU/IDCFS. (2013)
Utilizing Permanency Data to Influence Change”. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Racial Equity Transformation Team. (October 29, 2013).. Illinois Transformation Team Symposia. IDCFS. (2013)
Whitney Young as a Social Work Change Agent. Illinois Public Media. (2013)
Child Protection Training Academy at Illinois State University. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. State. (2023)
Illinois Permanency Enhancement Project (PEP). Illinois Department of Children and Family Service. State. (2023)
First Star Academy. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Private donor. Other. (2019)
First Star Academy. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Private donor. Other. (2018)
First Star Academy. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Private donor. Other. (2017)
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services: Permanency Enhancement Project. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. State. (2017)
First Star Academy. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Private donor. Other. (2016)
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services: Permanency Enhancement. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. State. (2016)
Assessing the needs and assets of foster youth in college. ISU College of Arts and Science (Summer Faculty Fellowship). Illinois State University. (2015)
CAS Summer Faculty Fellowship. College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2015)
Higher Education as the Lifeline to Social Mobility for Former Foster Youth: A Comprehensive Needs and Assets Assessment.. Spencer Foundation. Private. (2015)
Spencer Foundation Small Grant Proposal. Spencer Foundation. Private. (2015)
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services: Permanency Enhancement Project. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. State. (2013)