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Dr. Deneca Winfrey Avant

Social Work Faculty, Professor
School of Social Work
Rachel Cooper - RC 201
Office Hours
By Appointment
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

337.001Generalist Practice III:Groups

337.002Generalist Practice III:Groups

Ph D Educational Organization and Leadership - Educational Administration

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL

Other Leadership and Administration

University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL

MSW Social Work

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL

Other Bachelor of Social Work

Jackson State University
Jackson, MS

Years of Service and Leadership

National First Star, Inc.

Distinguished Lecturer Award nominee

College of Arts and Sciences

Million Dollar Club

Office of the President

RISE to the COVID Challenge Recognition

Office of the Vice President and Provost

Civic Engagement Ambassador

Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning

First Star Academy Director

First Star Academy

Associate Director of Equity and Inclusion

Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies


Office of the Vice President and Provost

Design, Align, Refine, and Teach Online Program

Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology

Faculty Fellow, Summer Institute

Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning

Pre-Tenure Faculty Initiative Grant

College of Arts and Sciences

Research Mini Award

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Leadership Initiative Participant

Illinois State University Office of the Provost

Outstanding Faculty Member of the Month

College Pan-hellenic Council

Committee on Institutional Cooperation Summer Research Opportunities Program Alumni Award


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Center for Teaching Excellence List of Excellent Teachers

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Center for Teaching Excellence

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Bureau of Educational Research Traditional Dissertation Award

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Bureau of Educational Research

University Council for Educational Administration Barbara L. Jackson Scholar

University Council for Educational Administration

Diversifying Faculty in Illinois Fellowship


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Education Thomas L. McGreal Award

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Education

Book Review

Stipp, K. & Avant, D. (2024) [Review of the book School Social Work: A Skills-Based Competency Approach, by JoDee Keller and Giesela Grumbach.] School Social Work Journal, 49, 1, pp. 68-70.
Stipp, K. & Avant, D. (2024) [Review of the book School Social Work: Engaging Social Justice and Racial Equity from Practitioners’ Perspectives, by Robert Ayasse et al.] School Social Work Journal, 48, 2, pp. 77-78.

Book, Chapter

Avant, D., Houston, D., & Nesbitt, L. Educators as the Gatekeepers: Promoting a Race Informed, Culturally Competent Pedagogy for Human Service Professionals. T. Puckett and N. Lind (EDs), Cultural Competence in Higher Education. Emerald (2020)

Avant, D. W.  (2011). Unwrapping Tradition: Shifting from traditional leadership to transformative action. In C. M. Shields (Ed.), Transformative Leadership: A Reader (pp. 114-130). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Avant, D., Houston, D., & Nesbitt, L. Educators as the Gatekeepers: Promoting a Race Informed, Culturally Competent Pedagogy for Human Service Professionals. Cultural Competence in Higher Education. Emerald

Conference Proceeding

Journal Article

Avant, D. When privilege and oppression becomes “real” in the life of emerging social workers.. Journal of Teaching in Social Work 42.1 (2022): 1-14.
Avant, D., Miller-Ott, A., & Houston, D. “I Needed to Aim Higher:” Former Foster Youths’ Pathways to College Success. Journal of Child and Family Studies 30.4 (2021): 1043-1058.
Avant, D., Miller-Ott, A. E. & Houston, D. (2021). “I needed to aim higher:” Former foster youths’ pathways to college success. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30(4), 1043-1058.

Avant, D. W. & Swerdlik, M. (2016). A collaborative endeavor:  The roles and functions of school social workers and school psychologists implementing multi-tiered system of supports/response to intervention. School Social Work Journal. 41(1), 56-72.

Avant, D. W. (2016). Using Response to intervention/ multi-tiered systems of supports to promote social justice in schools. Journal for Multicultural Education. 10(4), 507-520.

DOI:  10.1108/JME-06-2015-0019

Avant, D. & Bracy, W. (in press). Using Problem-based Learning To Illustrate the Concepts of Privilege and Oppression, Journal of Social Work Education.

Avant, D. & Lindsey, B. (2015). School social workers as response to intervention change champions, Advances in Social Work Journal. 16(2), 276-291. DOI: 10.18060/16428

Winfrey-Avant, D. (2014). The Roles of School Social Workers in Implementation of Response to Intervention. School Social Work Journal, 38(2), 11-31.

Zosky, D., Avant,D., & Thompson, J. (2014). Social work and special education students’ attributions of poverty: A leadership opportunity for school social workers. School Social Work Journal,38(2), 77-97.

Adeoye, B., Anyikwa, B., & Avant, D. (2012). Teachers and students perceptions of internationalisation of higher education in Nigeria. European Scientific Journal, 8(19), 110-128.

Winfrey, D., Williams, R., & Adamek, M. (1996).  The roles of the church in meeting the emotional

and mental health needs of the congregation and community. Journal of the Tenth National

Conference on Undergraduate Research Proceedings, (1), 875-879.

Technical Report

Avant, D., & Wiggins, S. First Star Academy FY24 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2024)
Avant, D., & Wiggins, S. First Star Academy FY23 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2023)
Avant, D., & Wiggins, S. First Star Academy FY22 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2022)
Avant, D. First Star Academy FY21 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2021)
Stipp, K.F., Bell, C. & Avant, D.W. (2021). Listening to Middle School and High School Youth: Executive Summary.
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY19 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2019)
Avant, D. First Star Academy FY20 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2019)
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY18 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies (2018)
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY17 Annual Report Q1-Q4. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY17 Quarter 3 Report. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies
Avant, D., & Houston, D. First Star Academy FY18 Quarter 1 Report. Center for Child Welfare and Adoption Studies


Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Communication Planning. Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Strategy. Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE). (2022)
Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion, and Tenure (ASPT) Anti-Bias Training. College Deans and Academic Chairs and Directors. Office of the Vice President and Provost. (2022)
Anti-Racism and Student Success. Chairs/Directors Retreat. College of Arts and Sciences. (2021)
Postsecondary Pathways for Former Foster Care Youth. Postsecondary Pathways for Former Foster Care Youth. Office of Community College Research and Leadership. (2021)
Beating the Odds: African American Foster Youth Pathways to College. American Association of Blacks in Higher Education Conference. American Association of Blacks in Higher Education. (2019)
It Takes a Village: Why Community Engagement Matters. National First Star Academy Directors Conference. National First Star Academy. (2019)
White Like Me. Student Counseling Services Multicultural Outreach Initiative. First Star Academy. (2019)
A collaborative endeavor: The roles and functions of school social workers and school psychologists implementing multi-tiered system of supports/response to intervention. Illinois Association of School Social Workers Conference. (2017)
Culturally Responsive Teaching. New Faculty Orientation. Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. (2017)
Former Foster Youth in College: A Needs and Assets Assessment and First Star ISU Academy. Student Affairs Council Meeting. Illinois State University. (2017)
Overcoming Stress. Faculty Development. Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. (2017)
Start Where You Are…But Don’t Stay There: The Journey Towards Understanding White Privilege and Dismantling Oppression. White Privilege Conference. (2017)
Stress In Academia. Summer Faculty Institute. Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. (2017)
Culturally Responsive Teaching. New Faculty Orientation. Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. (2016)
Promoting Social Justice. Faculty Summer Institute. Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. (2016)
Fighting the Stress of Teaching: Revitalizing Your Passion. Teacher School Improvement Day. Canaan Academy. (2015)
Stress Free Social Work: Relax, Relate, Release. School Social Worker Association of America. (2015)
Stress Free Social Work: Relax, Relate, Release.. Illinois Association of School Social Workers Annual Conference. Illinois Association of School Social Workers. (2011)
The Roles of School Social Workers in Implementation of Response to Intervention. Illinois Association of School Social Workers Annual Conference. Illinois Association of School Social Workers. (2011)
Alumni Panel: Ph.D. Honorees – Speak and Share Knowledge. Summer Research Opportunities Program. Committee on Institutional Cooperation. (2010)
How Teachers Perceive their Job Satisfaction is Influenced by their Principals' Behaviors and Attitudes Related to Race and Gender. Administration Organization & Leadership/Section 2: School Organization and Effects under Division A at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. (2010)
Using Problem-based Learning to Promote Social Justice. Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Conference. Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. (2010)
How Teacher Job Satisfaction is Influenced by Principals' Leadership, Attitudes, and Beliefs Related to Cultural Identity Markers. Northwestern University Graduate and Professional Student Research Conference. Northwestern University. (2008)
Educational Diplomacy: The Role of Educational Leaders in Creating and Sustaining Global Understanding and Curiosity. University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Meeting. University Council for Educational Administration. (2007)
Leadership Behaviors that Influence School Organizational Success. Northwestern University Graduate and Professional Student Research Conference. Northwestern University. (2007)

Grants & Contracts

First Star Academy. DCFS. State. (2024)
Administrator-in-Resident. Office of the Vice President and Provost. Illinois State University. (2019)
First Star Academy. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Private donor. Other. (2019)
Community Empowerment Health and Wellness Grant. Delta Research and Educational Foundation. Private. (2018)
First Star Academy. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Private donor. Other. (2018)
First Star Academy. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Private donor. Other. (2017)
First Star Academy. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and Private donor. Other. (2016)
Pre-tenure Faculty Initiative Grant. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2015)
Diversity and Oppression: Cultural Competence Among Social Work Students. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Illinois State University.