Dr. Nathan Stephens
Assistant Professor
School of Social Work
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
346.001Policy Practice And Advocacy
346.002Policy Practice And Advocacy
PhD Education Leadership and Policy Analysis
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, MO
MSW Social Work
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, MO
Other Social Work
Columbia College
Columbia, MO
Outstanding College Service Award in the Social Sciences Division
College of Arts and Sciences
Journal Article
Lorio, C.M., Carta, J.J., & Stephens, N. (2022, December). Exploring Language Development Support for Foster Children: A scoping review of interventions for foster care. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-19. http://doi.10.1044/2022_asjlp-22-00082
A Comparative Black Experience in the U.S. and South Africa. African Summer Academic Development Programme for Social Work. University of Witwatersrand-Johannesburg. (2024)
Role of Spirituality in Advancing Sustainable Development. International Conference. Canadian Society for Spirituality and Social Work. (2023)
The Role of Cultural Humility and Spirituality: Advancing Human Rights and Social Development Globally. Annual Professional Meeting. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). (2022)
Stephens, N. (2022, June). Towards liberty, equality, and justice for all. [Conference Session]. British Association of Social Workers Annual Conference, Birmingham, England.
Stephens, N. A. (2022, March). Concrete Roses: How Racialized Policies Impact the Life Trajectory of Black Men. Centre for Criminal Justice Research and Partnership. Preston, England.
Stephens, N.A. (2022, December). From Home to Here: Examining Black Men's Transition to College. African American Studies Fall Lecture, Normal, IL.
Black Lives in America: Moving Away From Police Violence, Mass Incarceration, and Capitalism. Racial Education, Activism, and Discussion (READ). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. (2020)
Police Violence, Mass Incarceration, and the Criminal Justice System. Racial Education, Activism and Discussion (READ). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. (2020)
Test of A Black Man (Black Men and Mental Health). Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Chapter Retreat. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. / Zeta Xi Lambda Chapter. (2020)
Grants & Contracts
Healing Illinois. State of Illinois. Local. (2021)
Illinois COVID-19 Response Funding. State of Illinois. Local. (2020)